
澳门十大正规网赌网址的专门董事会不断寻求机会来支持增加花卉消费的行业倡议, 为行业带来新的人才, 并为十大正规网赌网址的会员和更大的花卉社区提供价值.

仅在2023年, 澳门十大正规网赌网址投资了968美元,在不同的项目中投入了000美元, 事件, 以及与其他花卉领袖和协会的合作. 这些倡议包括赞助施万克的电视节目《澳门十大正规网赌网址》, 阵亡将士纪念日鲜花基金会, 全国花卉协会活动, and educational programs hosted by several state floral associations; funding pest management, 越来越多的实践, and sustainability research within the floral sector; expanding market opportunities in the ornamental flower market via advocacy and marketing through programs like 花的感觉 and by partnering with key industry stakeholders and associations; and contributions to the American Floral Endowment Scholarship Fund to promote and drive innovation in the floral workforce.

你希望十大正规网赌网址支持什么倡议或项目吗? 请联系 Monnaie Pepin
